A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a collection of shared resources within a public cloud environment that can be configured on demand which adds another level of isolation between the organizations accessing the pool.
Virtual Private Cloud customers can run code, store data, host websites or whatever else they can usually do in a standard private cloud environment. The only difference is that the Virtual Private Cloud is hosted remotely by a public cloud provider.
Virtual public clouds came about as a response by public cloud providers that were competing against private clouds. Virtual Private Clouds are structured differently but have common patterns such as;
– Processing and data storage systems are not mixed with other tenants due to both the physical and virtual mechanisms being managed by the same cloud computing provider.
– Your organization will receive a private IP.
– You will use secure virtual communications (VLAN or VPN) which are sometimes run on the open internet and sometimes on a dedicated network.
A VPC is the optimum solution for your organization if you need computing and storage within a limited time period or over a short amount of time. If you can’t validate a bigger investment and want resources that are more relevant to traditional IT or if you need a solution that supports both business continuity and disaster recovery then a Virtual Private Cloud has you covered.
Virtual Private Clouds have all the best features of a public cloud including:
VPCs offer organizations full control over the network with tools to scale resources as needed in real-time.
Because your Virtual Private Cloud is isolated within a public cloud your resources have a further layer of security and control over who has access and when.
The hybrid cloud environment enabled by Virtual Private Clouds means that your organization can use a VPC as an extension of their own data center so there is no need to build an onsite private cloud.
VPC environments support close to 100% uptime expectations.
Thanks to Virtual Private Clouds being so available they support online interactions 24/7 which builds customer confidence.
Implementing a VPC means reduced costs and fewer demands on the IT team which allows more time to work on organizational objectives.
Choosing the right solution for your organization is pertinent to ensure you receive the benefits of having a technology posture that is made to fit the needs of your organization.
When you’re in the market for a VPC you should take time considering uptime, customer support, pricing, private server capabilities, infrastructure design and the setup of any relevant backup data centers.
Get fast cloud storage to fit your organization’s needs now and in the future – with NETdepot’s VPC, reach out to our experts today.