S3 Object Storage Without the Outages
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the world of work, with millions of Americans now telecommuting for their jobs. According to IT research firm Gartner, 88 percent of organizations have encouraged or required their employees to work remotely. But there’s one major consequence of this great work-from-home migration: unprecedented strain on IT and cloud computing infrastructure. Large cloud… Continue reading S3 Object Storage Without the Outages
Read moreCheap S3 Storage: What’s the Wait?
NETdepot’s S3 Storage Savings Companies are amassing more information every day, across every sector of business, related to all aspects of their industry, consumer base, and supply lines. That’s a lot of data to collect, store, access, and mine. The are finding a need for a data storage facility that provides all those services, as… Continue reading Cheap S3 Storage: What’s the Wait?
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