So, you’ve decided it’s time to get a cloud server set up for that next project your starting on. Great! NETdepot is here to make that a breeze for you. Here’s a simple how-to on setting up a cloud server with us:
After you sign up at NETdepot’s registration page, you will be automatically logged in to our client portal. Click on “Add Servers” on the left sidebar. You will first be prompted to deposit funds (at least $5) before you can get started. This is to prevent against fraud and spammer accounts and will be credited to your server expenses. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal and even Bitcoin!
Choose the location you would like your server, what size best fits your needs, then the operating system you prefer. Once those are selected you can enter a domain alias to easier identify the server in the future and click “Deploy Server”.
Lets talk location for a minute. If you are building a website for a local business you want to choose the location that is closest to that businesses target audience. Although all of our locations will serve your content quickly, the closer the server, the faster it will be. If you are hosting a SaaS, or any other service that is not location bound, and would like data-backups just in case zombies take over and The Walking Dead crew rolls through our Atlanta Datacenter. You can set up multiple servers across our various locations to ensure your site never goes offline.
Oh wait, there is no step 3. You’re done!
From here of course you’ll want to SSH into your server and setup the environment. NETdepot has a console built in so you can launch it straight from your browser or feel free to use your favorite terminal client like PuTTY or Terminal for Mac.
Need more information on our Cloud Servers or any of our other products? Contact us online or call 844-25-CLOUD.