Press Releases

Dec 28, 2021

NETdepot partnered with Cohesity to show a pre-release of “Spiderman: No Way Home” for their Clients, Partners, and Families

Spiderman Group Photo

NETdepot, a customer-focused cloud solutions provider, held an event this Thursday showing the newest Marvel movie, “Spiderman: No Way Home,” for their clients, partners, friends, and family. 


This two-city event was held at The Springs Cinema & Taphouse in Atlanta, Georgia, and the IPIC Theater in Houston, Texas. At the event, guests mingled with the NETdepot and Cohesity teams before the showing while enjoying complimentary drinks, meals, and snacks. 


President and Chief Cloud Officer of NETdepot, William Souder, said the event was an excellent opportunity to bring NETdepot clients and their families to network with their technology peers. 


“It is so important making events like these family-friendly for our customers and partners to enjoy around the holidays,” said Souder. “At NETdepot, we put the customer first, and today we achieved that by furthering our relationships with our customers and partners at this amazing event.” 


About NETdepot:

NETdepot specializes in providing effortless cloud solutions to amplify the value of your staff. We help business leaders with customized solutions and deep expertise to be confident their data is secure and move forward with technology as a strategic asset.

NETdepot focuses on five key areas:

  • Cybersecurity as a Service (CyberSecaaS)
  • Enterprise Compute & Storage 
  • Data Protection as a Service (DPaaS)
  • Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
  • Security as a Service (SECaaS)


Have Any Questions? Contact the Author. 

Savannah Kelley

Manager, Marketing & Communications

1-844-25-CLOUD ext. 821



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